

英国斯特林大学Jingpeng Li教授应邀来计算机学院作学术报告

时间:2019-08-09编辑:尹陈  预审:审核:来源:计算机学院 点击:次

本网讯 8月5日上午,英国斯特林大学Jingpeng Li教授应邀来计算机学院访问交流,并在行知楼1302会议室作了题为《Design and Evaluation of a Biologically-Inspired Cloud Elasticity Framework》的报告。计算机学院部分教师及学生聆听了报告,报告会由计算机学院院长郭玉堂教授主持。

Jingpeng Li教授首先介绍了什么是Cloud Elasticity以及其对于有效管理计算资源的重要性,因为它可以在运行时动态地对资源进行调整,以满足应用程序的需求。然而目前实现满足实际需求的高效的缩放技术依旧是一个挑战。报告中,Li教授向师生们介绍了如何设计一个云弹性框架,该框架使用生物启发式的遗传算法和模糊控制机制,实现了一种满足实际需求的高效缩放技术。随后,Li教授概述了Cloud Elasticity在未来面临的主要挑战。

报告结束后,Jingpeng Li教授回答了师生的有关问题,并对计算机学院科研工作给予指导。通过Jingpeng Li教授的耐心讲解和与其深入交流,开阔了师生们的视野,也激发了师生们的科研热情,老师和同学们收获颇丰。(计算机学院)


Jingpeng Li is a Reader at the Division of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, UK. He received the MSc degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China) in 1998, and the PhD degree from University of Leeds (UK) in 2002. He joined the University of Bradford (UK) as a Research Assistant in 2003. He then worked at the University of Nottingham (both the UK and China campuses) as Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow and Assistant Professor in 2004-2013.

Dr Li has published widely in the areas of Scheduling, Metaheuristics, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Cloud Computing, Sentiment Analysis, and Software Engineering. He has authored over 50 research papers, the majority of which are journal papers published in high impact international journals (e.g., Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation Research, Knowledge-Based systems, etc.).

Dr Li is also an active member in the international research community. Apart from organizing sessions in various international workshops/conferences, he is serving as the Associate Editors for international journals (e.g., Cognitive Computation, and Big Data Analytics), the Programme Committee members for over 10 international conference, and reviewers for more than 20 prestigious SCI journals.